
So you've just stumbled upon my blog... Well welcome! As you may have gathered from the title up there, this is a blog for the believer who at times finds themself faced with the notion of feeling stressed even when acknowledging how blessed they are. That's something I've experienced many times, and it's exactly what this blog is about.

I've had this "catch phrase" in my mind for years now, probably since I was around 18 years old... (I'm 29 now) "Blessed but Still Stressed". It's a thought that has just lingered in the back of my mind for years. The question I'd often ask myself was... What do I do with that feeling? As a follower of Christ and true believer in God's everlasting and Almighty Word, I knew that it wasn't good to whine and moan about the tough areas of life because those are what God uses to mold and strengthen us. I knew (and still know) that even though life can feel pretty crummy at times, there's ALWAYS something to be thankful for.

So that question and way of thinking essentially led me to this summation... What do you do when you know that you're blessed, but you still feel stressed?

I certainly don't have all the answers, but I am a devout Christian woman who tries my absolute best to trust and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.


So with that, let's talk about it!

