What to do???

Published on 24 June 2020 at 08:26

So...if you're anything like me, you've trusted in the Lord to lead you in your quest for a better career. AND...if you're anything like me, that has happened at a time most people would consider, well... utterly crazy 🙄 I mean, am I right? Who makes a huge career move from a stable job with great benefits right at the brink of a global pandemic?? Me. That's the answer lol and probably you... again, if you're anything like me.

After working for several years in the customer service realm, I desperately wanted to break away from the monotony of my 9-5. I knew that I wasn't going to leave the job I had though unless I felt confirmation in my spirit that the time had come. So when a job in what I THOUGHT was the industry I'd been looking to break into offered me a position with their company, I immediately gave it to the Lord in prayer. I remember getting excited for a brief moment but quickly saying in my mind "Lord, I'm giving this right over to you. It is your will that shall be done."

Needless to say, I felt confident after having prayed and discussed it with Jesus that the time had finally come for me to move on. So move on I did... I left the good job that I had and went to work for a new company not too much farther from where I lived. Now, the Lord works in mysterious ways...sometimes VERY mysterious ways. 

I showed up to work my first day at the new job and almost instantly felt that something wasn't quite right. As I sat there waiting for orientation to begin in what was to become my new break room, I looked around and remember feeling like I just didn't quite belong there. It was strange. It was strange because if you recall, I said that I had thoroughly prayed and taken this big decision to the Lord before making any firm choices. I was elated to have broken free from the grips of customer service, but I sat in that room feeling like I had somehow landed in..well a fresh bucket of poo.

I know right!! You might be thinking "Well how can that be? You prayed on it!" ... and you'd be completely accurate in that thought. The truth is, as I said before and as is so evident in the stories we read in the Bible, God works in mysterious ways and doesn't always explain to us in detail the path He is putting us on. In the book of Exodus, He led the Israelites out of Egypt and (much like me leaving customer service) they were overjoyed! They felt delivered and rescued from all of the pain and bondage they'd been enduring. But then what happened? Yep. God said, I'm going to take you through the desert for 40 years... Yes, 40. 40 big ones... 

God didn't tell them before they left that they were going to be taking such a drastic detour. All they knew was that they were being freed, so they trusted Him. That's where I found myself that morning and the days that followed after accepting that new job and eventually leaving it. It was a sense of feeling grateful to having been removed from the previous thing that caused me pain (the old job...likened to Egypt) to being confused at the outcome of the new path I was on (the new job being so bad and having to leave it...likened to the 40 year desert journey). 

Now again, I didn't make the decision to quit the new job on my own. I felt so spiritually out of place there and just couldn't understand why God had allowed me to feel such peace and confirmation about accepting it in the first place. Because I knew that trusting in the Lord can never lead me the wrong way, I knew that wherever I was headed next, I would still continue trusting in Him. So once more, I prayed to God and asked for clarity and instruction for what to do with the new feelings I was experiencing. The new environment I was in left me feeling mentally, physically, and spiritually pained. I knew that I didn't want to stay there a moment longer but that I couldn't make that decision unless the Spirit of the Lord said I could. 

After prayer and discussion both with the Lord and with my family, I turned in my notice, turned in my badge, and left. This would make the second time in my life that I left a job without having anything else lined up. That's what most people consider to be crazy. Like I said at the start, who does such a thing...and who does it at the BRINK OF A PANDEMIC??? O_O lol Well... all I can say is that trusting the Lord can sometimes look a little crazy to the naked eye! Lol just look at Ezekiel 💁🏽 (Ezekiel 3:1-3; 5:1-3)

So, of course, that brings me to this point... What do we do when we trust the Lord and find ourselves feeling completely backwards? When we pray and trust and seek and find ourselves in an uncomfortable spot? My friends...to that I do have an answer... We keep on TRUSTING. 

We serve a God who CAN, not a God who CAN'T!! 

So what to do? What do we do while shuffling through the confusion that the enemy wants to place around us? What does it look like to just really "step out on faith" after you've received your instructions from the Lord? Trusting, waiting, and continuing to listen for the Lord's guidance. That's the answer. As the saying goes, He didn't bring us this far to leave us...

He will never leave you nor forsake you. That is a truth that can be trusted no matter what the circumstances appear to be. You might be asking yourself, "well where do I get the strength to do all of that?" God's grace is sufficient. As long as we take everything to Him in prayer, no matter how many tears happen to stream down our face, He will always make a way and will always be our source of strength.

If you still just don't know how to hold on, reach out to me...


Let's pray about it.



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