For Later...

Published on 20 August 2020 at 19:22

What's left?

For when it's all said and done,

What will remain?

When the chosen are gone,

And the Earth's left in pain...


Who will celebrate,

And who will mourn?

Who will understand

The cause of the storm?


If you've found this and it's over,

If you've come here, and we've left,

Be encouraged, what you're seeing,

Means there's yet still a chance.


God is everlasting,

And His love never fails.

Though you may still be here,

The Lord will come again. 


He'll return for His people,

The ones left behind.

But at that there'll be judgement,

For all of mankind.


Face death and persecution,

Though it might seem hope is lost.

Christ our King came long ago,

And paid for us that cost.


Be encouraged my dear brethren!

Our prayers have been heard!

For before we left with Jesus,

We wept and pled for you.


Believing in the Scripture,

And knowing that it's true,

We knew the time was coming,

And tried to warn you.


Have hope my fellow people,

You have now seen the TRUTH!

Jesus Christ, accept Him,

And He will be with you.


To the souls of the great tribulation. 








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4 years ago

I agree with your outlook and confirm the same emotions about feeling stressed while professing the faith. Although I call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance, I still find that through the midst of daily frustrations, disappointments, and lack of brotherly exhortation, I am still faced with some level of stress. I believe that some bits of stress is a healthy mechanism to just keep us close to the cross. After all, the scripture says, be angry but sin not; don't let the sun go down upon your wrath. God knows our frame and also the motive of our heart and mind of the Spirit within us, so let's rest in His word for they are PURE. Proverbs 29:5 is a great way to start my day, any day. I love you in the Lord dear sister.

Porchia Danielle Walton
4 years ago

Love this!