Prayer: *Crickets*...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Our Lord in Heaven, we thank you. We come to you offering praise, honor, and glory all to you.

In Jesus' name, Lord as we submit ourselves to your will, we pray and ask for guidance and strength for what to do in each day that you allow us to see. We know that you have a plan and a purpose, but sometimes it can get a little stagnant leaving us a bit deflated. But God, you said in your Word for us not to grow weary in doing your good works, and we know that sometimes just being still in you is a part of that work.

So Lord, we give thanks unto you for blessing us and keeping us...even when it doesn't feel good, even when we it seems like it's not going to end, Lord we trust you. We know that your ways are greater than our ways, always and forever. We ask for strength to endure that we may stay near to you until the time you call us to be with you in peace.

Lord, we thank you. In Jesus' name...




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