Prayer: Being Chosen..

Dear Heavenly Father,


In your infinite wisdom, you and only you know who is called and who is chosen. We want and hope so deeply for our names to be written in the book of life! We pray Lord Jesus, that you grant us the wisdom, courage, and ability to be ALL that you have planned for us to be.

Lord you said that it is not you will for any of us to perish, but Lord Jesus, this love for you is more than just not wanting to perish, it is wanting to live in a home with you because of ALL that you are an ALL that you have given to us.

Father God, we thank you. We bless your name above all names and ask humbly that you bestow on us holy wisdom that we make walk upright before you now and forever.


In Jesus' name, you are so worthy to be praised...


This we ask unto you...




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