
Published on 28 June 2020 at 17:21

A lot has happened over the course of time. A general understatement... A lot has happened this year, 2020, in itself, and it's only halfway through.

Followers and believers in Christ know that greater times are coming. When I say "greater", no, sadly I don't mean better. I mean intense globally impacted inexplicable whirlwinds of chaos greater... things so grand in magnitude that people simply won't know what to do. Or what's worse, some people won't realize what's happening. 

The Bible tells us in many different sections of the impending doom of the world as we know it. Jesus paid the price for the sins of those who accept and believe in Him. But what about those who don't? It says explicitly numerous times that the penalty of those against God is yet to come. 

Nothing explains it more vividly than the Book of Revelations. This last book of the Bible tells about and describes what the end times will look like. There are so many signs and symbols that it speaks of that have already become very prevalent in our world. 

So what does that mean for believers? We know that through Christ Jesus, we do not need to fear the world or any of the things to come. Instead, we know that trusting in God the Father couldn't be any more important than it is now and will even sooner be. We are to walk in Faith and survive on the Blood of the Lamb. He knows our needs and knows how to protect us.

As witnesses and believers though, we aren't meant to just sit idly by and do nothing (unless, of course, God says "do nothing"). We are to prepare ourselves for the times unseen as depicted in the Living Word. This means preparing mentally, preparing physically, emotionally, etc. We are to prepare in any and every way that Christ our King gives us the wisdom to do so.

Friends, brothers and sisters in Christ... let's get ready and stand strong. The attacks of the enemy are here. They are sneaky, treacherous, and skillfully hidden yet undeniably strong. You know what I've been saying though...and what the Bible says... Our God is greater and the enemy has already been defeated! ✊🏽 We just have to remain strong in Jesus and walk into that victory.

So prepare yourselves everyone... Prepare for what's coming and what is promised to come thereafter... If you aren't sure where you stand or how to go about becoming more "ready" in Christ...


Let's pray about it...




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