Reflection/Uncovering the Past

Published on 29 June 2020 at 17:05

Let's be honest... Sometimes our minds...well they can have minds of their own! Figuratively speaking, of course... but have you ever just been driving in autopilot mode and suddenly wonder if you just ran the last two stop lights?? That's how much our minds can drift away from us.

If you are at all like me, you may also have a terrible memory. Ironically, I remember it like it was yesterday..the point in my life when my memory suddenly began to fade. Now at 21 years old, a college student shouldn't have to be concerned with memory issues, and I wasn't at first. That, however, is exactly where I was in life when out of no where, I started to forget things...simple things. Now, one of the many blessings I can recount is that I still have normal long term memory...maybe even above average. Several years ago though, when I was away at college, I remember blaming the water on campus for my sudden forgetfulness.

There I was, had just turned 21 (coincidentally the very day I decided to not drink anymore 🙄 but I digress) and I couldn't remember what I had done the day before. My schoolmates would ask me how my weekend was or what I had for lunch yesterday and for the life of me, I just drew a blank each time. It was weird, but again, I chocked it up to something in the water and just went on with my life.

Fast forward to 2020, and I find myself spiritually matured and totally elevated in Christ 🙌🏽 Hallelujah! As of the last few weeks and months, the Spirit of the Lord has guided me deeper and deeper into the Word of God. Praying constantly and giving thanks in all things...really feeling like I am advancing in my spiritual journey... and then today happened.

Today, a regular day for all intents and purposes 🤷🏾‍♀️, I found myself in the YouVersion Bible App (a truly wonderful tool for spiritual study and fellowship) delving into one of my daily readings, and suddenly, it occurs to me within the message of what I was reading that there was something specific in my life that I had not yet repented for 😱. Imagine my utter embarrassment that I could be so deeply spiritual yet never realize that this one stone had been left unturned!

Now I pray daily and repent for my sins often although I know that in accepting Christ Jesus, my sins are already forgiven. There is something that comes along with loving Jesus though and having that intimate relationship with Him that had my heart to melt a bit at the realization of how God still loved me even with the terrible uncleanliness that I carried with me. Never having specifically said to the Lord, "Jesus, I'm sorry...I'm sorry for what I've done. Thank you for loving me in spite of my ignorance!"... really made me sit back in my seat and do just that.

I say all of that to say this... The mind is so powerful and important (which is why Satan always wants to attack it!) yet it is terribly vulnerable when it comes to the concept of forgetfulness. How awful it is to be stuck in autopilot when it comes to spirituality! So much so that we don't even stop to think "hey...did I just pass by that sin without stopping to repent??" ...kind of like that stop light scenerio, right? 😏

Well, my eyes have been opened today, and I am so truly grateful. My prayer to God has consistently been to cleanse and purify me, and I feel as though the dirty rag that is my past was dunked a second time today into metaphorical soapy water and has been made clean.

So friends, I urge you to take a moment to reflect on the things about yourself that have either bothered you over the years or have led you to sin in the may cringe a bit, but remind yourself that it as an opportunity for spiritual growth and forward movement. When you look back or look perhaps even at the present, unpeel the layers and ask yourself if God would be pleased with the thoughts or actions that may have gotten swept under the rug because maybe they didn't seem so bad at the time. Remember, God is constantly waiting for us with open arms, so no matter what you remember, reveal, or uncover about yourself, be confident that Jesus is ready and willing to forgive you of your sins and to cast them into the depths of the sea!

Asking God for forgiveness of everything you've done is a step.. it's a step that I've taken daily for the last decade or so.. However, achieving that point of true repentance for something that you know has specifically hurt our Lord takes it one step further. I believe in the spirit that He is pleased when we come to Him with our hearts open both in repentance and in any situation. 

So let's continue to open our hearts to let Him mold and shape us into the people He's called us to be...and to not let forgetfulness become a part of our spiritual norm.

If you aren't sure where to start or have uncovered something that you want to be cleansed of...


Let's pray about it...



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