While It's Still Today...

Published on 1 July 2020 at 19:36

Let's not be foolish... Now the great teacher in the book of Ecclesiastes presents the question of whether being wise is better than being foolish. His conclusion, of course, was that it's all useless because both the wise person and the foolish person end up in the grave.

God does, however, advise us to seek spiritual Holy wisdom. So it is to say that you may not be the most clever thinker of your time, but the wisdom the world provides is not the same as the wisdom the Lord provides.

So my thought for today is short. When I say, "Let's not be foolish", I don't simply mean being an intellectually smarter human being. While there isn't anything wrong with being educated, using good thinking, and being mindful...my point is to say that we musn't be fools when it comes to our spiritual walk.

It reminds us in the Scripture to get ourselves in line with Christ "while it is still today"... I've read that verse numerous times, but it's never been more clear than it is right now.. as we watch the end time prophesies come to pass before our very eyes. 

It really makes me appreciate the fact that..it's still today. The world, as I know it, still exists but is soon to change. So it is better to get ourselves in line with what God commands us to do/be now than to let time pass by without having that realized.

So friends, let's build our house on stable foundations. Let us stay in the Word and seek first God's Kingdom in all things! As Matthew 7:7 encourages us, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you". Jesus is always ready and waiting to enter the hearts of those who seek Him. He will also knock, and "if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." -Revelation 3:20

If you aren't sure how to obtain wisdom in the Lord or are just concerned that you might be on the path to foolish mistakes...


Let's pray about it...



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