What Does He Sound Like??

Published on 16 July 2020 at 18:49

The Voice of God...

Many times we hear of people saying things like "the Lord spoke to me..." or "God told me to..."

But have you ever wondered, how do they know?

Have you ever questioned how these people know that they are, in fact and truth, hearing from the Lord? Maybe you've even asked yourself that question. Perhaps you've prayed and said "Lord, what do I do??" or "God, where do I go from here?!" only to wonder if the voice you hear inside your mind is truly God speaking back to you.

Well I certainly have... Many times I would sit and wonder if the voice that was telling me to go to the left or to the right was truly the Spirit of the Lord or just my own subconscious surfacing. Undoubtedly, it was frustrating. 

I mean, as sad as it is, we even hear of people who said that the voice of God told them to commit some terrible sin or to harm themselves. Let's be clear:     that is the enemy.   

God never wants to hurt us or scare us. It is true that He allows us to go through painful situations and points in our lives, but that is all for good... to grow and strengthen us for His plan and purpose and to prepare us for receiving our blessings. We see that even when God told Abraham to sacrifice His own son, He created a way of escape. He placed a ram in the bush.

"He will not permit us to fall into temptation. If, by his wise purpose he permits us to be taken in the snare in order that we may gain glory by suffering, he will most assuredly grant us the power to bear it." (excerpt from COMMENTARY ON LUKE, HOMILY 87)" *see Resources: Daily Scriptures*

So with our own conscious in the way and what's worse, the deceitful voice of the enemy in the way... How on earth are we supposed to be able to tell when it's really God?!

For me...  It's a feeling. 

After years of talking and praying to the Lord our God, I began to notice a certain feeling in the center of my core when I'd seek answers. And I don't just mean core like in the middle of my body... I mean I felt a sensation that I can only describe as a "spiritual tug" in the center of my very essence. I began to realize that in my prayers and supplications, God was speaking to me with this still small yet very clear feeling. 

I would have a thought to do something, but instead of scratching my head pacing back and forth wondering if it was my own voice, the Spirit conditioned me to quiet myself...to quiet my mind and look for that feeling...that spiritual tug. That is what I do today. Even just moments before beginning to write this post, I prayed and asked the Lord what I should write about. With my eyes closed, a few thoughts floated across my mind, but no sooner than I thought I had a good topic, the Spirit jumped in front of my brain like a freight train and gave me that gentle pull inside as the words "What Does He Sound Like" came into my head. Immediately, I got to work and the words came forth.

So friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, if you are currently at that place where you are questioning whether or not it's truly God's voice that you're hearing, or maybe you haven't heard anything and really want to experience that open communication with Him... It's all alright. Our God is patient and kind. He speaks to each one of His children in unique and special ways. For some, like me, it can be a feeling...for others it can sound more like a clear whisper or just a calm voice... A few times now I've heard the soft voice of the Lord speak clearly to me just as I wake up from a restful sleep. The one common factor though is that when you really quiet yourself to hear God, He will make it plain for you. He will not hide from you but rather He will in a special and unique way let you know that He is the one speaking to you.

So let us be watchful friends. Let us be mindful and continue to seek the Lord our God. Christ's rule on this earth is what we await and we must stay strong in the Spirit until His return.

If you feel led to share, I'd love to hear your experiences with receiving the voice of the Lord 🤲🏽

As always, if you have questions about this post or just need someone to hear your voice...


Let's pray about it...



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