Being Chosen..

Published on 14 July 2020 at 17:48

I don't have a whole lot to say about the concept of being chosen... And I'm not talking about "chosen" as in being picked for a partner in a project or chosen for a team sport... I mean Chosen by God. His elect few that He called before the beginning of time to serve and be faithful to Him forever.

So you can see why I don't have much to say... I mean what can a mere human say about being God's chosen? We can talk about what it says in the Bible... there's definitely a lot the... Or we could discuss how as believers, we are accepted as children of God...therefore making us.... chosen?

...But what does it truly mean to be chosen? And does God grant us the privilege of knowing if we are, in fact, called to be that elite chosen ourselves, or is it something only He can declare? I have a lot of spiritual studying to do on the subject!

The question came across my mind as I stumbled upon the social media page of a very popular musical artist from the 90s. This woman, a woman who previously sang pop songs and dance hits, was adding post after post of spiritual encouragement and TRUTH about the last days and where we as Christians should be focused right now. It was surprising! Seeing her page got me wondering if she, this once "woman of the world" (based only on what I know about her former success as a musician and celebrity status), was one of God's chosen.

I'd like to believe that I am part of the chosen.. mainly because of how set apart God has made this life journey for me. I've not, in my 29 years of living, come across another person with the same kind of unique walk as me. My family and I share similar paths, but often I wonder, where else in the world are more people like us? It does say, however, in God's Word that in the last days even the elite will fall... How terribly saddening. 😔

So you see, I don't just want to be God's "elite"...roaming around thinking I've got it all made #HeavenGuaranteed and then suddenly boom #Fallen 🙏🏽 ...I want to be His CHOSEN. Those are the ones who I believe already have a spot reserved in Heaven at the right side of Jesus and God the Father. Those are the ones who will be faithfully praising and worshipping God for eternity.

I want to be God's Chosen... do you? If you believe that you are and share these feelings or are concerned that you aren't and want to understand more and get closer...


Let's pray about it 🙏🏽...


B B.S.S 

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