When Strange Things Happen (Pt.2)

Published on 19 July 2020 at 11:15

The ultimate force...

In the last post, we opened up the discussion about strange things and how they appear so randomly in our lives without any sign of warning as if out of thin air. We talked about what causes these strange things and about one of the forces behind them: the enemy. (what a loser 😒)

In this post, we'll continue the discussion but will instead be focusing on the other force at work when looking closer at the weird things that occur in our lives... the better force ... the ultimate force.

This great force can cause strange things to happen that we may find unusual, uncomfortable, or just down right painful. Talk about a thorn in the side! (reference 2 Corinthians 12:7-9) This force, however, acts with love, grace, kindness, and mercy... How wonderful is that 😌 This force is God the Father.

Now you may be saying to yourself, "Whoa whoa whoa... How can pain and discomfort be an act of love and mercy?!?!" Well, as it has been said for centuries, the Lord works in mysterious ways 🙏🏽 ...but to offer a more in depth and, dare I say, satisfying answer, I'll elaborate...

See, God knows everything... everything. And He can do anything... literally anything. So because of His grace and mercy on humanity century after century and His unparalleled abilities to work wonders, instead of subjecting us to the demise of our own stupidity, He gives us opportunities to learn and become stronger and more trusting followers through what we sometimes see as strange things.

Again, I'll use Job as an example (reference the book of Job). The enemy noticed that Job was thriving both physically and spiritually in the land, so he wanted to test him and try him to break him down. Job stayed faithful and true to God even through all of the hurt. He did so because he knew that God has infinite wisdom and that trusting Him was the one and true way to exist. Even though Job's very world was flipped upside-down by a plethora of strange events, he stayed faithful. He knew that the force of God was still at work in his life even though it looked bleek and happened without any rhyme or explanation. 

Job received both earthly and spiritual gain for his faithfulness during his time of being tried. That same thing can be true for us today if remember and lean on God's promises... that He has good plans for us and that He will never leave us or foresake us.

So you see, when the force of God the Father is working in the second dimension of our search for reason, we can begin to see how perhaps that friend that stopped talking to us was toxic and needed to be removed from our life so that we could advance to something better... How maybe that husband or wife (s/o) walked out without any explanation because God saw that it was an unhealthy relationship or that we needed to be prepared for something bigger that needed our full undivided attention... Maybe that job didn't work out...maybe that interest suddenly changed...maybe that strange thing just happened to happen... because of the force of God and His glory. 

When strange things happen, we may not have a clear understanding as to why. The possibilities (if we sit there and try to think of them) are probably endless! What we can know for sure though, is that one of two forces is at work in the background: it's either the wicked force of the enemy or the Holy All-Powerful force of the Lord our God. Our response then in either instance, is to follow in the footsteps of Job and trust fully in God's everlasting grace and mercy. We must remind ourselves that, even though the strange thing before us seems completely and totally random and possibly even life-altering, God knows and sees everything, so whether He is doing something to strengthen us or the enemy is trying with feeble attempts to defeat us, God can and will work it all out for good for those who trust in Him. Amen ! 🙏🏽


If you are going through a strange thing or a strange time right now and can't determine which force is at work, just remember, God is in control, and the enemy cannot touch you unless God Himself allows it! What's more important than determining the source is keeping on the Armor of God (reference Ephesians 6:11) and knowing that He will surely see you through any trial or tribulation that you face, and He will work it out for good!!


Let's pray about it...



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