Prayer: What Does It Mean??

Dear Lord Jesus,


We worship you and give thanks unto you on this day. We are grateful for all of the magnificent works you have done and all that are still in store. For Lord, we know that when your hand is on something, it is for the good of those who trust in you.

Father God, we come to you asking for clarity and understanding when it comes to hearing and receiving your Word. Regardless of what form you choose to reach us Lord, we just ask that you give us wisdom to understand and receive you fully. Lord please remove those negative thoughts that try to convince us that we are not hearing you whether they be thoughts of the flesh or deceit from the enemy.

Lord Jesus, grant us a pure heart that we might become one with your Spirit and in knowing when you are truly speaking to us. Let our thoughts be focused on you always and our souls constantly ready to receive you.


Lord we thank you and we pray, in Jesus' name...




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