Prayer: Surprise, surprise...

Dear Lord Jesus,


We thank you once again for your grace and your mercy upon us. We worship you and magnify your name for we know that you are a God who is all mighty and all powerful. 

With you, Lord Jesus, absolutely nothing is impossible. Father, we pray humbly on this day that you allow our hearts and our spirits to be led by you in all things. In every waking aspect of our lives, Lord we ask that you make the desires of our hearts match the plans that you have laid out for us. 

We know that your ways are higher than our ways, Lord, so let us fall submissive to your will for us that we may be blessed beyond our greatest thoughts and imagination.


Father we thank you again for your love and your many blessings. We do not deserve it, but you do it anyways. We thank you Lord and we praise your name, forever.


In Jesus' name...




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