Surprise, surprise...

Published on 7 July 2020 at 19:11

We've all probably heard the saying "It'll happen when you least expect it", right? Well how often do we actually stop searching and stop expecting things? And if we do stop searching and expecting, do we call that giving up?

It's my opinion that searching and expecting are two entirely separate things. People can spend their entire lives searching for something that they never seem to find. They hope and expect to find it while searching, but they seldom do. Then they throw in the towel. This can be anything from the right job to the right car to the perfect mate, etc.

What about those people who expect things to just happen without putting forth any effort or attempt at success? This seldom proves fruitful as well. These people sit around saying things like, "well, maybe one day..." but don't take a single step to what "one day" is supposed to bring. 

So what's the "right way" then to acquire the things we want and hope for? If searching endlessly doesn't always work, and sitting around doing nothing doesn't seem to do we achieve the age old adage of "It'll happen when you least expect it"?  You might be thinking to yourself, "Yeah! How can I both try AND not try??" 

The answer, friends, lies in the Bible. Constantly, the Word of God is instructing us to TRUST in our Heavenly Father for ALL of our wants and needs. (Now I must note that giving your life fully over to Christ usually involves a metamorphosis of the soul which in turn results in new wants and desires that fall more in line with God's will and purpose for your life... This is referenced in the Bible as "a new nature" or "a new spirit". So if you're thinking this is going to apply to that shiny new sports car you want, your bank account, or that guy/girl you've been crushing on... it's probably not going to work unless those things are within God's plan for your life because those wants/goals fall under the desires of the flesh or "the old nature".) The Bible tells us to seek and we will find... It tells us to pray with EXPECTANT faith

So you might be thinking now, "well wait...the Bible is telling me to both search and to expect!" That's true. We are instructed to keep looking but not for cars, clothes, money, or fame. We are urged to pray and ask God for the things we want but not out of selfishness or greed. When we relinquish our wants and needs over to the power of God our Father, Christ our King...THAT is when it will happen when we least expect it. 

See it doesn't mean stop looking or stop expecting altogether. It just means, relax in the Lord and He will provide and do for you when it is the true and proper time based on His will. Sometimes that's right away, sometimes it takes a minute...maybe even a looong minute. But overall, it will be when you've stopped stressing and going a mile a minute trying to achieve the end goal. God loves His children and He wants to bless and reward us! Not so willy-nilly that we lose our focus on Him and what's important (which is why sometimes He will leave a thorn in your side [see 2 Corinthians 12:7-9]...), but as He blessed Job and Joseph and many others.

So yes, it will happen when you least expect it...meaning you've given yourself (wants and desires included) over to Jesus and are patiently going about the path He's laid out for you in the meantime. As believers, we still expect God to answer our prayers and to hear our supplications and we may even put forth effort toward something we aspire to, but we do so without stressing about when or how it will come to pass because we know God's will shall be done. 

Once you let your wants and desires become whatever God wants for your life, it becomes much easier to accept things as they come. When you start to do that, you'll notice that things do seem to by one...when you least expect them.

Need a little help letting go of the control in your life and truly submitting yourself to God's will?


Let's pray about it...




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