Can't Escape It? There's a reason...

Published on 10 July 2020 at 19:14

Plain and simple: If there's something we can't seem to escape, then God probably has a reason for it.

Whether it be a place, a job, a relationship, or any number of other things... If we've prayed and prayed and prayed and just can't seem to break free, there's almost ALWAYS a reason for it.

God knows all, and He sees all 💁🏽 ...So why then do we question God (the knower and seer of all things) when things don't go our way? Need we be reminded that God saw each day of our lives before we took our first breath? Do we need a crash course on the fact that God has power beyond our imagination and that if He wants to dry up a fig tree or an entire ocean, He can do it? Just like that *insert snap noise*...

Yeah so let's be logical for one second. The God we serve has this immense power and this great inseparable love for us, right? So that means He can do literally anything at any given time that He wants...right?! But then He doesn't... Why?

Obviously, if my loving Father who can do all things without the single skip of a beat doesn't answer this one (or two or three or TEN) prayer(s) when I ask Him to...He must have a reason, right? Right.

Because our Father doesn't get pleasure from seeing us suffer. That would make Him cruel and our God is NOT cruel, He is LOVE. He doesn't take joy, sit back and laugh at our failures and pleas for deliverance...No. He sees EVERYTHING and knows just how much we hurt, just how much we desire, just how much we want to be set free from the things that seem to hold us hostage!

So when He doesn't take it away right when you ask Him, know that there is without a doubt, without a single question, that there is a reason. A reason meant to increase you not to diminish you. A reason meant to restore you, elevate you, chasten you, grow you, improve you, stretch you, strengthen you, mold you, shape you, develope you, prepare you, condition you...and above all else, to bless you. Because in each of those painful and seemingly neverending situations, God our Father knows what He has planned for you... and when we let go of what we perceive as "enough" or "the right time" or "too much", we can rest in His wisdom and neverending well of knowledge for He knows what lies ahead and we can only see what He allows us to see.

So friends, brothers and sisters, when you pray about the thing that just can't seem to be escaped... rather than pleading each time for it to be taken away or ended, try asking God to show you what it is He wants you to gain from the experience. Again, whether it's a person, place, or thing keeping you down, God knows all and He will lift you up out of that prison when you accept His control and allow Him to make in you what He has destined you for.

Pray with patience and thanksgiving in all that you ask and seek. With pure hearts and expectant faith, God will do what only God can.

Need help holding on to God's Word through the trial and tribulation in your life?


Let's pray about it...



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